
‘’Tourism Is an Environmentally Dependent Sector’’Madam Memunatu Pratt

The Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Madam Memunatu B. Pratt has disclosed that Tourism is an environmentally dependent sector and also one of the world’s fastest-growing industries for rapid economic transformation if properly utilized. She made the disclosure during a one-day national conference on the environment which is convened by the Ministry of Lands, Country Planning[…]



VP Juldeh Jalloh Launches ‘Adopt-A-Booth’ Initiative

In the Government’s drive to rebrand the tourism sector, Vice President Hon. Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh on Thursday September 13th 2018 launched a Ministry of Tourism initiative. The ‘Adopt-A-Booth event took place at the Family Kingdom resort at Aberdeen. Among the initiatives introduced by the new Minister of Tourism and Culture, Madam Pratt, to beauty the country’s[…]



“Between Bonthe & Koinadugu/Falaba I’ll Like to See The Best Agro-Products, Carvers, Acrobats, Dancers”

A cross section of the National Steering Committee of the Agro-Cultural Tourism Festival (ACTF), together with the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (MTCA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security (MAFFS), on Saturday 25th August, 2018 engaged stakeholders in Koinadugu/Falaba to update them on the proposed maiden festival as it was done in Bonthe last[…]



KME pays courtesy call to Tourism Ministry

A delegation of artists from Kabaka Multimedia Entertainment (KME) led by the Chief Executive Officer(CEO), Abubakar Turay aka “Kabaka”, on Wednesday 20th June this year paid a familiarization visit to the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (MTCA), Mrs. Memunatu B. Pratt, at her Kingharman Road/Brookfield office in Freetown. The purpose of the visit, according to the[…]



SLAS Capacitates Museum Staff on Disability and Inclusion

No one feels the pain associated with social isolation and discrimination that persons with disability. This came out clearly in the simulation exercise that was done by participants at a one-day capacity building on Disability and Inclusion for Museums and Cultural Institutions organized by the Sierra Leone Autistic Society. The simulation exercise portrays a visit to the[…]



Limkokwing University to boost Sierra Leone Tourism Sector

On the 8th June 2018, a delegation from the University of Limkokwing across the Globe hung heads with the Hon. Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs (MTCA), Madam Memunatu B. Pratt, to discuss the major challenges facing the sector and to work in partnership in building staff capacity across the sector. The Head of the said delegation,[…]