MTCA, Line MDAs & Keios Consultants Validate Diagnostic Study of Sustainable Tourism Strategy Plan

The Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Line Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) have held a virtual meeting with the consultants for the Tourism Strategy Plan, Keios consultants to validate the draft diagnostic study of the strategic plan for sustainable tourism.

To address the wide range of opportunities and challenges facing the sector in a holistic manner, the Government of Sierra Leone, under the Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project (SLEDP) commissioned the formulation of a 10-year national Strategic Plan for Sustainable Tourism. The strategy will include a five-year implementation action plan containing priority activity, time frame, realistic budget and implementation responsibilities. The diagnostic report addresses the first stage of the strategic planning process, i.e., an in-depth assessment of current challenges and opportunities in the tourism sector.

Welcoming the participants, the Deputy Minister of Tourism and cultural Affairs, Kadijatu Grace Kamara on behalf of Minister Tunis thanked the consultants for the diagnostic report and looked forward to having a strategic plan that can enable them to succeed in domestic and international tourism.

Articulating the purpose of reviewing the diagnostic study, Director of Tourism, Mohamed Jalloh stated that the study is one of the key elements of the strategic plan. Prior to this stage, Director Jalloh said the consultants engaged the Ministry and MDAs regarding the development of the plan and also visited and assessed key touristic and cultural sites across the country. He added that the draft diagnostic study report was sent to MDAs with the expectation of them (MDAs) making considerable input into the document.

In their presentation of the draft diagnostic study report, the lead consultant, Mike Fabricius via zoom deliberated on the scope of developing the strategy in the Sierra Leone context, the legal policy and environment, the situation analysis and the summary of success factors for sustainable tourism growth. The meeting ended with an interactive participatory session from the various participants.

MTCA Communications