Tourism Ministry Tour Bush Garden Amusement Park & Resort

Continuing the aggressive relentless pace of the Explore and Discover month of the Tourism for all Campaign, the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs together with the office of the Minister of State, South visited the trending tourism hotspot in Bo, Bush Garden. The purpose of the visit was for the Ministry to assess the facility, showcase it potentials as well as creating opportunities for cooperation for the growth of the country’s tourism sector.

Located at Koribondo Highway in the outskirt of Bo, Bush Garden comprises an amusement park, resort and mariner. For the amusement park, there are 13 chalets and the amenities at the facility are appropriate for visitors’ satisfaction. The facility is owned by a Sierra Leonean and covers about 85 acres of land.

Prior to visiting the facility, the Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Nabeela Tunis, accompanied by the Permanent Secretary, Edward Kwame Yankson, the Director of Culture, Foday Jalloh and the Deputy Director of Tourism, Idrissa Bangura called on the Minister of State, South, Mohamed EK Allie informing him of the purpose of the visit and also explaining the thematic months of the year-long domestic tourism for all campaign. The Minister of State welcomed the team and assured of their cooperation in the Ministry’s domestic tourism drive. Representatives from the Southern Region Hotel Association were also part of the visit.

After her tour and assessment of Bush Garden, Nabeela Tunis said the facility is a beautiful spot for eco-tourism. She commended the owners for preserving the environment and the ecology while looking forward to the expansion of the facility with the hope that they will continue to maintain the level of sustainable tourism. She ended by inviting Sierra Leonean to visit Bush Garden and amass themselves with nature.

MTCA Communications