Destination Sierra Leone Attracts Interest at Fitur 2024

Interest in Sierra Leone as an emerging Tourist Destination intensified during Day 2 and 3 of the FITUR International Trade in Madrid, Spain.

The Sierra Leonean stand with its attractive “Explore Freedom” brand welcomed over 800 visitors and secured firm partnerships with the National Tourist Board, Local Travel Agencies and Tour Operators.


Mrs Nabeela Farida Tunis, Sierra Leone’s Tourism and Culture Minister, continued high profile engagements with sister ministries and colleagues aimed at seizing opportunities for deeper collaboration and partnerships in the sector. Discussions included harnessing creative and innovative talent as viable opportunities for women to become more productive within the tourism industry. This she stated will guarantee a multiplier effect and promote gender mainstreaming. In an interview with UN Tourism, Minister Tunis noted that FITUR is an excellent platform to promote the uniqueness of Sierra Leone exemplified by its people, culture and food.


Productive meetings were also held with the Sierra Leonean team comprising of policy, marketing and private sector practitioners. Mr Mohamed Jalloh, Director of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, profiled Sierra Leone as a new destination in a 30 minute interview on ONDA CERO, a popular radio station in Madrid.

Sierra Leone’s diverse, unique cultural heritage and rich history showcased by the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Culture Division, and the Monuments and Relics Commission was another attraction appreciated by visitors. Locally produced handicrafts, artifacts and stories of Sierra Leone’s journey of resilience since the trans-Atlantic slave trade captivated visitors.

Private sector operatives (Tourism is Life and Best Travel Solutions) held several meetings and showcased their tour packages to travel agencies and tour operators from Europe, Caribbean and South America.

FITUR is a global leading point for tourism professionals and leading fair for inbound and outbound markets in Latin America.

MTCA Communications