As a drive towards promoting the Tourism for All campaign, the visit was done to learn about the sites, it’s significance to the Atlantic Slave Trade and role it played along the Sierra Leone River Estuary, done on Saturday, 29th June, 2024.

Members of RUSL headed by the Chairman, Asher Warren Martyn A. K. A Afri- Maroon; the Department of History and African Studies represented by Professor Peter Dimbuya, Mr. Abdul Karim Jalloh and Mr. Ishmeal A. Kamara (also representing the Ministry) and Youth Arise!!! represented by the Western Rural District Coordinator and Financial Secretary were present for the familiarization visit, meeting with the headman and community people, coupled with à conducted tour of the ruins of the Episcopal church and fort to further explore the site’s heritage and touristic potentials and to “Shine a light” on the values of the site for protection, safeguarding and effective management.
Statements were made by Prof. Dumbuya; the chairman of the Reggae Union, Sierra Leone; Mr. Kamara; Mr. Jalloh; Mr. Fonnah (an elder of the Union); Coordinator, Youth Arise!!! and the Headman of Rotumba village.

The Professor spoke on the previous engagements done in the past two years to bring to the open what Rotumba holds through academic research with Research Assistants Mr. Abdul Karim Jalloh and Mr. Ishmeal A. Kamara. He appreciated the efforts of the Minister, her Deputy, Director of Culture and leadership of the Ministry for their visitations and support in erecting a bill board and a plague with inscription on the ruins. He noted the various visits made and future endeavors including a proposed trip to Portugal and England to research more on the site. He mentioned that the department was applauded for the timely intervention and the collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs promoting the site. He expressed appreciation to the Reggae Union, Sierra Leone and Youth Arise!!! for the time and efforts to make the visit. The Department will continue it’s collaboration with the Ministry through an understanding to continue academic research on thematic societal issues he noted. He concluded by stressing the need to grade the eighteenth (18) miles road to ease access to and from such an important site.

Mr. Kamara expressed appreciation for such a visit which is in line with the Minister’s vision, especially for the month of June which focuses on the theme of Monuments and Relics. Being part of the Department at FBC and the Ministry is critical in accelerating initiatives and actions to projecting the values of research, culture, heritage and tourism benefits.
He expressed thanks and appreciation for the support and progressive leadership of the Minister, Madam Nabeela Farida Tunis which is why the team is able to converge to “shine a light” on Rotumba.
He encouraged the Reggae Union, Sierra Leone to work towards promoting Rotumba in their artistic productions and Youth Arise!!! to engage with the youths of Rotumba in empowerment initiatives.

The Chairman of Reggae Union, Sierra Leone, Asher Warren Martyn A. K. A Afri- Maroon thanked the Professor for such an opportunity to Sierra Leoneans, especially himself and RUSL team to know about the unique heritage the country holds, revealing that this is the very first time to visit such a place. He assured all that the Union will continue to work with the Ministry and the Department of History and African Studies, FBC, University of Sierra Leone to create the required impact through music productions and other mediums. He appreciated the community people stressing that without them the ruin is nothing. He commended them for preserving and safeguarding the site and encouraged them to continue the good work for future generations.

Mr. Jalloh expressed gratitude to Professor for his inspiration, resources and knowledge in making sure such research is conducted, developed and presented a paper on Rotumba at international academic platforms, mentioning the Austin University and the Ali Mazury Award. He further encouraged Reggae Union, Sierra Leone and Youth Arise!!!, Sierra Leone to share the information gained to the wider citizenry. He appreciated the partnership with the Ministry and support provided since the collaboration, as well as the Rotumba people who are working hard to preserve the site.

The Coordinator, Youth Arise!!! Western Rural District expressed thanks to the Professor for the education on Rotumba and the ongoing research work, including the Ministry for the support and partnership. He expressed commitment on behalf of the organization to engage with the youths of Rotumba in the future to do community services.

Mr. George Fonnah expressed appreciation to the community people for maintaining the site utilizing the traditional village techniques. As an elder in the sector, he noted that this is a very good initiative and must be supported by all.

The Headman of Rotumba expressed happiness for the visit and noted their continued support to preserving the ruins.

Tourism na all man business.

Tourism for All